St. John Villa Rental Island Customs and Tips


St. John Villa Rental wants you to get the best out of your vacation.  Please follow the tips below for the best vacation experience and unforgettable experience on St John. 


Manners are important on St. John.  It is in good taste to slow down and be respectful at all times when interacting with others.  Be sure to greet others with: good morning, good afternoon, good evening or good night.  Not doing so is considered rude and disrespectful.  In traditional island manner, you will notice that you will be greeted with many greetings. In the Caribbean, it is considered good manners to pass along these greetings.

Bathing suits in public (off the beach):     
St John is a fairly conservative in is old traditions and customs. It is considered disrespectful to walk anywhere other than the beach in a bathing suit or shirtless. So be sure to cover up when off the beach.  It is against the law and those breaking the law can be fined.

 Call Us or Book Online Today and let St. John Villa Company make St. John your vacation spot of a lifetime!